Friday 29 July 2016

my Monday morning

Monday morning
I wake up to the sound of the fire being made. It  feels like six o'clock but when I get up it is seven o'clock . So I grab my blanket chuck it on the couch and turn the tv on to watch some cartoons then my mum  gets up and comes out here and wants to watch the news ‘I say come on ten more minutes’ mum says ‘no’ so 5 minutes later my brother gets up by this time I'm already dressed so I grab an apple and eat it slowly because I'm normally not hungry in the morning I  walk out to the kitchen and all I see out the kitchen window is white mist from the barber, 20 minutes later my mum says  ‘get your clothes on’ so I throw my blanket on the floor and jump off the couch and stumble to my room still half asleep so I put my clothes on it feels like I'm in a snowstorm it's so cold but I do  next thing I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth and get in the car

Thursday 7 July 2016

5 digit addition

the btb auction

the btb auction was today my strategy was to get the mystery item. So when it was time for the mystery item I looked at how many btb points everybody had. I was so happy when I had the most and I was even happier when it was jelly tip chocolate