Monday, 27 August 2018

social studies the chinese poll tax

                                                        The Chinese poll tax
Back in 1881, all Chinese had to pay money to get into the country they were charged 10 pounds for 10 tons of cargo but these days that’s 1700 dollars just to get into the country. Then the price got pushed up to 100 pounds for 200 tons of cargo. Now that’s 19,000 dollars for every person. It later ended in 1944 and the government later apologized in 2002 and now there is a trust set up for Chinese community projects which happen all over the country.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

teachers striking social studies

Teachers striking
In my opinion, teachers deserve more money for how many hours they work and how long people have to go to university to become teachers

Why teachers and principals were striking
Fewer teachers are coming into the job, while the workload for teachers and principals is becoming enormous and teachers have to spend more time at school doing paperwork than spending time with their families
That's why I think teachers deserve more money.

Monday, 13 August 2018

social studies the vietnam war

Vietnam war

The first conflict of the war was in 1964 where two North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked two US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin, then the president retaliated by bombing North Vietnam. By 1967 America had 500,000 troops in vietnam and 15,058 had been killed and 109,527 had been wounded. By this time the vietnam war was costing america 25 billion. Under the draft system, 40,000 men were being called to service and even more were protesting about the war.

Why new Zealand was there and how long?
Because new Zealand after world war 2, New Zealand signed a treaty with America. New Zealand was there for 15 out of the 20 years. New Zealand sent 548 troops to Vietnam, nine of those men flew helicopters with Australia. By 1971 all our troops were out of combat but helped train south Vietnamese soldiers.

Why we need to remember it?
It was our first war without the queen, people started to realize there is a lot of death, America isn’t sending ground troops anymore and they were more open about it on television.

Friday, 3 August 2018

social studies

The dawn raids was a time when the police would go to pacifica people’s homes and start the process of evicting people from NZ that were on temporary working visas.

The problem:

After world war 2 there was a job crisis which made the new zealand government hire overseas workers to come in and work for the country.But when there visas ran out the government let them stay in the country and live their lives with there working visa ran out. And the economy started to go up again till about 1974 where the economy was rapidly falling. So the Government started coming round the houses kicking the pasifika people out of the country and sending them back to their country because of their skin colour. How is that fair the government gets people to come into the country and work then kicks them out 20 years later even if they have a family. And if kicking them out of the country wasn’t bad enough, the police came really early in the morning with dogs to wake them up and escort them out of the country.